Over the years, our attorneys have handled high-profile commercial property insurance disputes, often acting as National Counsel for Insurers, from such catastrophic events as the COVID-19 Pandemic, Rioting and Looting in the Aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, Hurricanes Harvey, Sandy and Katrina, the September 11th Terrorist Attacks, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Northridge Earthquake and the Chicago River Tunnel Flooding. We are equally adept at advising insurers about multi-million dollar industrial and commercial property losses and dealing with more common property insurance claims, both commercial and personal, involving arson, fraud, design or construction defects and time element losses, and appraisal issues.

We know that communication is essential to ensure that our actions meet our client’s needs. Working collaboratively, we identify critical issues and provide the legal counsel required for resolution. Our practice group includes attorneys with specialized degrees in accounting and engineering who understand the technical issues on which many complex commercial property claims hinge.
As experienced trial lawyers, we provide legal advice that takes into account the steps necessary to successfully defend a claims decision in front of a judge or jury. Whether we are providing written opinions on policy interpretation, taking examinations under oath or defending our client’s interests in litigation, our counseling achieves results that make good legal — and good business — sense.
We understand the goal is prompt and fair resolution of each claim based on the circumstances of the loss and the provisions of the insurance policy. However, there are times when a claim cannot be resolved on an amicable basis and a company finds itself in court.
Many such disputes include claims of “bad faith” and deceptive and unfair consumer and trade practices. These often are designed to divert attention from the actual disputes between the parties and put the company and its claim-handling activities and decisions on trial.
No matter the circumstances, we work aggressively to neutralize and eliminate bad faith claims, developing a strategy for resolving the core issues of the dispute quickly and efficiently. Whatever the approach, we concentrate on the actual dispute between our client and the insured and move toward trial, arbitration, mediation or other forms of resolution that make sense for all involved.
Foran Glennon attorneys have extensive experience evaluating and litigating liability coverage issues. Our experience runs the gamut from commercial general liability and construction defects to financial lines and professional liability. We are also on the front lines of numerous mass tort and other long-tail claims, including sexual abuse, asbestos, environmental and product liability.
Our experience includes working with London and Bermuda markets and domestic insurers to provide general claims handling assistance and guidance, representation in coverage litigation and evaluation and drafting of policy language. We regularly counsel on personal and advertising injury, cyber disputes involving intellectual property and information technology concerns.
We have decades of experience representing insurers in coverage litigation and counseling. By developing long-term relationships, we understand their businesses deeply and make informed recommendations on coverage issues and claims evaluation. We work collaboratively with clients to formulate strategies for dealing with recurring issues and to resolve difficult and complex issues with minimal intrusion in our clients’ businesses.
While most cases settle, some do not. As experienced trial lawyers, we understand trial may be the only way to protect our client’s interests in the face of a difficult adversary. In those situations, clients find confidence in knowing our attorneys have tried countless coverage and extra-contractual liability cases across the country. Insurance coverage matters are frequently resolved through motion practice and appeal, and our attorneys have prevailed “on the papers” in hundreds of coverage disputes.
Finally, we also understand that our clients frequently want an opinion in connection with a complex or novel coverage issue prior to a potential dispute with their insured. Our attorneys have authored thousands of coverage opinions and position letters to assist our clients and proactively handle difficult or disputed claims. Whatever the matter, we understand that a well-crafted opinion can set the stage for successful resolution of any type of liability claim.
With offices across the United States and one in the United Kingdom, we are able to deploy resources to meet our clients’ needs not only throughout the United States but around the world as well. With offices in New York and London, we live where many international risks are underwritten and many international claims are handled. The relationships we have forged and continue to develop in two of the world’s international insurance centers allow us to better understand the unique challenges that confront our clients who operate in global markets and tailor our approach to satisfy their needs in ever expanding and evolving markets.